Hey All!

Just would like to welcome you all to read my blog I am going to start about the adventures I have with my horse, Tango (he's "The Redneck"). I'm sure horse lovers, or even people who just like to laugh at the misfortunes of others (don't lie, we all do it everynow and then) may enjoy reading this. I hope my words can be a blessing and encouragement to you! Happy Trails!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Let Your Hair Down

I went riding today and anybody that was in the area knows that it meant I got a little tossed around by the wind.    Even though it made my usually steadfast, well grounded horse a little spooky I enjoyed it. In fact I suggest it to any of you who need a pick me up or are feeling a little confined lately.
Riding in the wind is a good way to feel dangerous, well, that, and running with scissors.  As the Redneck and I were walking on the side of the road, into the wind I may add, I recalled all those old movies of when the heroine would be riding away into the sunset with her hair streaming out behind her.  Well I don't have very long hair but I thought I'd give it a try.
And you know what? if you want to feel free and wild and beautiful, go riding on a windy day and just simply let your hair down.  It is the most invigorating feeling. So girls if you have had a bad week, saddle up, and if you don't have a horse find a high hill and shake it out behind you.  You'll feel like you're on top of the world.  As for guys, well I guess you're kind of S.O.L.

P.S. I said it'd make you feel beautiful but hair does have the tendency to get tangled in windy atmospheres. ;)

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