Hey All!

Just would like to welcome you all to read my blog I am going to start about the adventures I have with my horse, Tango (he's "The Redneck"). I'm sure horse lovers, or even people who just like to laugh at the misfortunes of others (don't lie, we all do it everynow and then) may enjoy reading this. I hope my words can be a blessing and encouragement to you! Happy Trails!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sneaking Son of a Gun..... I Can't Help but Love You

              My favourite smells of leather, fresh cut grass and horse hair filled the air.  Birds sang in the background as my perfectly broken in cowboy boots crunched the gravel under my feet.  I was feeling pretty good about myself, as my trusty steed followed me across the road, at least I thought he was following me.....
              I looked back to find he was in the ditch walking away from me. I watched him for a while and kind of giggled when I realized he was doing his best to be stealthy in his escape, stepping lightly through the thick grass. However when he looked back to find me walking after him he did a double take (I am almost a hundred percent sure that the exact thoughts "darn she saw me" went through his head) and started to jog away.
             Tango! Whoa... I yelled after him as he trotted away.  I strode after him and started muttering under my breath as I followed him.... dirty rotten sneaking son of a gun.... He stopped to take a bite of food and almost jumped out of his skin when he saw that I was still behind him.... fat, lazy no good two bit nag..... he stopped at the gate into the pen that his horse buddies lived in then continued on when I tried to get close to him.... jackass.....
            Then he got to the bridge, stopped looked at it, looked at me, looked for a way out, then looked back at me.  I swear the horse sighed as he turned around and started to walk back to me.  The beautiful red roan with a coat like silk and a flaxen mane and the attitude of a smart alecky teenager stopped in front of me and dropped his head.  Scratching him in his favourite spot, right between the ears I thought to myself.... I love my horse.
            A little while later as I was riding towards the river I watched as Al ripped out of the driveway in his jeep, across the bridge, and over the hill (haha even though he's already over the hill;) and then back again.  I frowned in confusion as he drove into the yard and then back out again.  It suddenly dawned on me that he was looking for me.  I climbed up a hill and waved down at him before carrying on my way to the river, thinking it was all fine and dandy. However when I walked back into the yard with my horse he came out onto the porch and asked where I'd been.. he'd seen me chasing The Redneck and then when he came out to help me catch him I had disappeared.
           So there you have it, the disappearing girl and horse, we're so talented.  And as for my smart alecky horse he may be a sneaking son of a gun but I can't help but love him to death.

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